​Transformational change is best achieved by collaboration as the world is ever more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous The hazards posed by today's VUCA world mean that we have the greatest chance of success by learning lessons from around the globe and adapting and using the best approaches and technologies for each specific regional situation. No one country or organisation has all of the answers, so we are enthused and excited by constantly and restlessly seeking new and better solutions.
We research the challenges in a scientific evidenced way understanding the detail of the problem at a very local level.
We identify the gold standard in international best practice and, adapting and applying those ideas at a local level to fit each individual unique business and social culture, we create future best practice.
We then identify the best available technologies from around the world, developing them further, testing them to their limits and making them ubiquitous by deploying them at scale, at affordable prices, with regional partners in each jurisdiction.

“We believe in a collaborative style of working to achieve maximum impact for our clients in each engagement.​
Having worked with governments in over 50 countries throughout the world, we know that cultures vary enormously in their appetite to adopt new technologies. Each situation can benefit from the gold standard solutions that we deploy, but sensitive local application is essential as no one approach suits every environment.
Recent regional tensions have sharpened the awareness of the need to create a more sustainable, energy secure, and safe environment globally.
This awakening has created an urgency and willingness to act. As energy and food security reach new levels of uncertainty the threats to global wellness have intensified, and our solutions help flatten this upward-trending uncertainty curve.” - Dr Andrew Larner, Chairman Aerem Group
The challenges Aerem resolve are global and existential in nature.
These huge and urgent problems will not be solved by abstract conversation, or economic analysis – we need to implement practical energy saving solutions.
​After decades of slowly and sedately responding to climate change targets, many Governments and global corporates are now keenly aware that Covid and the war in Ukraine set them back even further. Decision makers in positions of power in many parts of the world, realise that the urgent measures that have been required to address the pandemic and war (generational distractions ) have been a terrible hindrance to solving the overarching catastrophic problem of climate change, which is a potentially extinction-magnitude problem.
Specifically, we provide solutions which increase energy efficiency with cutting edge technologies which are more sustainable and reduce reliance on fossil fuels; and we improve public health and wellness by dramatically improving the built environment.
Philosophically, our business stance is to work with Governments and regions that want to act with urgency and resolution to put significant resource into effective change immediately and use that demonstrable success to accelerate a transition to a sustainable and safe environment.