Coming soon, London. Dates & Venue to be confirmed.
Aerem Group help to solve the world's biggest sustainability challenges using micro solutions – cutting edge Molecular, Bacterial and Nano technologies and Artificial Intelligence. We redefine the current approach that exists today which relies on capital intensive and old-fashioned ideas.
Our experts follow a process to identify innovative, disruptive and transformational technologies, that provide simple and elegant solutions for the built and the natural environment. Collectively the solutions provide a mix of significant energy and cost savings which make an overwhelming case for their adoption – achieving remarkable benefits for the environment whilst saving money.
We provide these technologies at globally affordable prices, to resolve complex societal, health and environmental problems, making the solutions ubiquitous for the benefit of mankind.
In that process we deliver tangible and practical progress to organisations seeking Net Zero and ESG targets. We understand that environmental stability will only be delivered by technology innovations which address the climate change crisis.
Innovation and adoption of new processes and products must be financially attractive to decision makers otherwise rapid deployment will be delayed. Therefore, every solution we promote has a significant ROI benefit which encourages immediate adoption.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead.